Webinar bei Buchreport mit Marcello Vena „Long Tail oder Lost Tail? – So machen Sie Ihren Ladenhütern Dampf“
First published on www.buchreport.de Thema: Gerade im Zeitalter des Digitalvertriebs hoffen auch Buchverlage auf die Kraft des Long Tail....
0Digital Book World Conference 2015, per la prima volta spazio all’Italia
First published on www.illibraio.it 01.18.2015 | L’ex direttore del business digitale di Rcs Libri Marcello Vena, cooptato nel Council della...
Global Market Spotlight: Italy at DBW 2015
Global Market Spotlight: Italy At the Digital Book World Conference 2015 (DBW 2015), All Brain‘s founder and managing partner Marcello Vena, has...
DBW 2015 – Global Market Spotlight: Italy
Global Market Spotlight: Italy 01.12.2015 | The US and the English-speaking world have been the leaders in ebook development, but the...
Revisiting the Long Tail Theory as Applied to Ebooks
First published on http://publishingperspectives.com The myth of the Long Tail for ebooks may be fading away as the digital book...